You can set the time and date plus the duration and see whether you want to repeat the scheduled recording or not. This could be very handy if you want to record an Internet radio program on at a specific time or perhaps there is a webinar that is taking place while you are out.
It is now possible to tell Amadeus Pro audio edit software to quit and to launch automatically later, to start recording at a specific time and date. With Amadeus Pro, audio editing software for Mac, even at the new price of $60 it is still a bargain and good value for money for what it does. With other applications that have become available in the Mac App Store, quite often we have seen a decrease in price rather than an increase. Does the App still look like great value. Since Amadeus Pro 2 has been made available in the Mac App Store with version 2, I see that is has also gone up in price, so now it is time to have a look and see what actual improvements we have. I haven’t made so many podcasts this year and so I’ve not had the pleasure of using the latest version of Amadeus Pro, version 2 quite so often to be able to see what improvements have been made. I’ve Amadeus software used it to edit the audio for video podcasts, as well as for the audio podcasts. I have used Amadeus Pro to make more than 200 podcasts. Amadeus Amadeus Audio – Upgrades and the Mac App Store